A ccording to Pope Pius XI, the liturgy is the principal expression of the ordinary magisterium of the Church. According to the present Pope, Benedict XVI, it is the principal expression of that Tradition that comes down from the Apostles. When it was suggested that the pre-Vatican II liturgy should be abolished in favour of the post-Vatican II liturgy, he said that this was beyond the powers of both the Pope and the bishops because it is their job to serve and cultivate Tradition, not abolish it. In fact, he teaches, it is the same Holy Spirit who works in synergy with the Church in every age. Hence, the post-Vatican II liturgy must be interpreted in the light of the pre-Vatican II liturgy and vice versa. This he calls the hermeneutic of continuity, which is the only manner of interpretation open to Catholics. In its Constitution on the Liturgy, Vatican II teaches us that the liturgy is the source of all the Church's powers and the goal of all its activity. The Pope calls the Mass the constitution of the Church. Al this leads to the conclusion that if we want to understand what the Catholic Church is all about, we must study the liturgy. Let us get started.
Chapter Six The Eucharist: Constitution of the Church
Chapter Ten The Ordained Priesthood
Chapter Eleven The Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Sick
Chapter Twelve The Divine Office
Chapter Thirteen What we have Learned