Oración , Preghiera , Priére , Prayer , Gebet , Oratio, Oração de Jesus

2666. Mas o nome que tudo encerra é o que o Filho de Deus recebe na sua encarnação: JESUS. O nome divino é indizível para lábios humanos mas, ao assumir a nossa humanidade, o Verbo de Deus comunica-no-lo e nós podemos invocá-lo: «Jesus», « YHWH salva» . O nome de Jesus contém tudo: Deus e o homem e toda a economia da criação e da salvação. Rezar «Jesus» é invocá-Lo, chamá-Lo a nós. O seu nome é o único que contém a presença que significa. Jesus é o Ressuscitado, e todo aquele que invocar o seu nome, acolhe o Filho de Deus que o amou e por ele Se entregou.
2667. Esta invocação de fé tão simples foi desenvolvida na tradição da oração sob as mais variadas formas, tanto no Oriente como no Ocidente. A formulação mais habitual, transmitida pelos espirituais do Sinai, da Síria e de Athos, é a invocação: «Jesus, Cristo, Filho de Deus, Senhor, tende piedade de nós, pecadores!». Ela conjuga o hino cristológico de Fl 2, 6-11 com a invocação do publicano e dos mendigos da luz (14). Por ela, o coração sintoniza com a miséria dos homens e com a misericórdia do seu Salvador.
2668. A invocação do santo Nome de Jesus é o caminho mais simples da oração contínua. Muitas vezes repetida por um coração humildemente atento, não se dispersa num «mar de palavras», mas «guarda a Palavra e produz fruto pela constância». E é possível «em todo o tempo», porque não constitui uma ocupação a par de outra, mas é a ocupação única, a de amar a Deus, que anima e transfigura toda a acção em Cristo Jesus.

quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2013

Listening-prayer . Unplugging to Practice the Presence of God.

Welcome to Listening-Prayer.com

This is a web site about Christian prayer and Listening Prayer Therapy.

Listen to God is the theme. You are encouraged to take the listening prayer attitude in prayer. Listening requires humility and submission. Such attitudes are necessary in any relaitonship if there is to be intimate connection. It is certaily appropriate in our approach to God.

There is also boldness, courage and solid faith in one who undertakes listening to God. To listen is to assume the other is willing and able to communicate with us. In listening prayer we boldly go the the throne of God and humbly listen for the heart beat of God. We expect communication with God.

Here is more about what I mean by listening prayer.


Inner Healing - Radiant Living.

Live presentation from George on Life Transformation that include teaching and demonstrations. Covering topics laid out in the Heal My Life - Foundations Book.
Dates: Available as soon as a local study group is formed in an area near you and enough interest is there for a larger workship.

Heal My Life - The Foundations (draft version)

I have published draft versions of the Heal My Life book on this site. The book is meant to be a practical manual in life transformation through Listening Prayer.
You can read and sent me suggestions, comments, edits. In that way your input can benefit the book.
I will put the draft of the introduction here:
Here are draft chapters of the first section of the book. In reading these you move through different steps in the process of a Listening Prayer therapy session:
Please read and make comments. E-mail email George ---------------------------------------------------------------------

George Hartwell

Listening Prayer Therapy for Inner Healing & Emotional Healing:

Listening Prayer Therapy brings inner healing to traumatic memories, transforms core beliefs as part of professional counseling.


Prayers of Protection


Breaking Curses through Christian Prayer

Yes, Christians can break curses sent against them. You do not need to pay someone to do it. (You should not be consulting psychics. That will make things worse.) Do not be passive. Take authority in Jesus name. Learn how to pray effectively and daily. Share your experiences by sending me an e-mail. georgeh@interlog.com

If you do not learn to deal with curses, spells and voodoo then these could damage your family, your finances, your health, your love relationships and your job opportunities. This is war. Learn to fight. Establish a perimeter of defense with prayers of protection. Learn safe ways to break curses and even "return to sender."


The Shame Curse - Withdrawing Affirmation, Recognition and Blessing

When family, church or school mates choose to ignore, shum, withdraw social connection, cut off, fail to affirm, recognize, listen to or bless you, the result is like a curse. The result is death. I can this the Shame Curse. One can also be speaking and choosing death oneself - see Inner Healing prayer for Shame and Cancer.


Spiritual Warfare - Healthy and Unhealthy

Spiritual warfare is not about binding Satan or territorial powers of darkness. Be careful. If you launch into binding territorial spirits or binding Satan you will come under unecessary attack. Like myself and others you can experience financial losses, loss of health and family and marriage difficulties. You can lose your job and find it difficult to get a new one.

That is why John Paul Jackson wrote the book: "Needless Casualties of War." The damage you will reap is exactly like the damage done by someone cursing you. I know I was there. I lost a good job and experienced serious underemplyment. Friends who did this also experienced financial losses, loss of health and family and marriage difficulties.

Testimony: "Truly may God bless you. Thank you very much! what a relief! I have been thinking why do I have to fight on a daily basis against the forces of darkness. Why do I to believe in Christ and have to go and fight my own battle? Not Knowing I had been taught wrongly about this spiritual warfare. I found your website by accident and what a wonderful accident it was! Yesterday morning at 1:30 am and stayed on until 3:30am. Just wanted to shoot you a e-mail to thank you for your take on this issue. I tried it and immediate relief and restoration of peace already!! God Bless You. Many many thanks! "


What is Prayer?

Various Types of Prayer:

Praying for the Holy Spirit

Healing Prayer - Prayers for the sick:

George's Fresh Perspectives on:
Life Transformation Therapy

Faith of the Heart

Love Letters to God - life changing intimate journalling

Theophostic Counselling - a positive and misused tool

anger management sessions
nervous breakdown
Christian Marriage Counselling

Family System

Bonding, Marriage and Silent Divorce

122  Articles by George Hartwell

Table of Contents

Top level - 44 articles

A Marriage and Divorce (11 topics)
B Nervous Breakdown, People Pleasing, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Borderline (20 articles)
C Effective Prayers for your life (13 articles)

Second level - 31 articles

D. 14 Inner Healing Healing Prayers that I use
E. Prayer Therapy Session - The seven steps in a session (7)
F. Ten Prayers to use to Heal marriages and restore Marital Intimacy (10)

3rd Third Level - 24 articles

G. Listening PrayerTherapy 8
H. Prayers of Protection, Spiritual Warfare, Breaking Curses and other prayers 10
I. Peak Performance 6

4th Fourth Level - 23 articles

J. Inner Healing Prayers for Child Development stages - 7 articles

K. Inner Healing Prayers for inner and emotional healing - 10

L Background and Theory behind Inner Healing Prayer - 6 articles

See: Articles

Life Transforming Encounters with God in listening prayer
Put it on the Altar = let go and let God
Put in on the Altar
Prayer for the Broken Heart

George's fresh perspectives on:
Nervous Breakdown and Life Crisis

Dysfunctional Personality Patterns - their genesis and their nemisis

Managing Anger and the Human Emotions

Decision Making in a many option world

Dreams Interpretation and Therapy

Depression and the Human Spirit

Smart Fear

Anxiety symptoms
Breaking Curses
