Oración , Preghiera , Priére , Prayer , Gebet , Oratio, Oração de Jesus

2666. Mas o nome que tudo encerra é o que o Filho de Deus recebe na sua encarnação: JESUS. O nome divino é indizível para lábios humanos mas, ao assumir a nossa humanidade, o Verbo de Deus comunica-no-lo e nós podemos invocá-lo: «Jesus», « YHWH salva» . O nome de Jesus contém tudo: Deus e o homem e toda a economia da criação e da salvação. Rezar «Jesus» é invocá-Lo, chamá-Lo a nós. O seu nome é o único que contém a presença que significa. Jesus é o Ressuscitado, e todo aquele que invocar o seu nome, acolhe o Filho de Deus que o amou e por ele Se entregou.
2667. Esta invocação de fé tão simples foi desenvolvida na tradição da oração sob as mais variadas formas, tanto no Oriente como no Ocidente. A formulação mais habitual, transmitida pelos espirituais do Sinai, da Síria e de Athos, é a invocação: «Jesus, Cristo, Filho de Deus, Senhor, tende piedade de nós, pecadores!». Ela conjuga o hino cristológico de Fl 2, 6-11 com a invocação do publicano e dos mendigos da luz (14). Por ela, o coração sintoniza com a miséria dos homens e com a misericórdia do seu Salvador.
2668. A invocação do santo Nome de Jesus é o caminho mais simples da oração contínua. Muitas vezes repetida por um coração humildemente atento, não se dispersa num «mar de palavras», mas «guarda a Palavra e produz fruto pela constância». E é possível «em todo o tempo», porque não constitui uma ocupação a par de outra, mas é a ocupação única, a de amar a Deus, que anima e transfigura toda a acção em Cristo Jesus.

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sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Jesus Prayer - Prayer of the Heart . Prayer Articles

Jesus Prayer - Prayer of the Heart

The Jesus Prayer is very simple:
"Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner,"
(For different languages)
The Jesus Prayer according to numerous Church Fathers is "essential" to our spiritual growth. The Jesus Prayer proclaims our faith and humbles us by asking mercy for our sinfulness. The Jesus Prayer is thought to be as old as the Church itself.

The Jesus Prayer, says Metropolitan Anthony Bloom, “more than any other,” helps us to be able to “stand in God’s presence.” This means that the Jesus Prayer helps us to focus our mind exclusively on God with “no other thought” occupying our mind but the thought of God. At this moment when our mind is totally concentrated on God, we discover a very personal and direct relationship with Him.
Jesus Christ - the Power In the Name
The Jesus Prayer's power comes from the use of our Lord's Name, Jesus Christ, Son of God. It is a confession of our faith.
...read more about the power of the name Jesus Christ
Jesus Prayer requires Humility
The Jesus Prayer in its practice assumes you are a regular participant in the worship services of the Church, in her Sacraments and aware of your sinfulness. Be sure to consult with and follow the advice of your spiritual Father. Humility is a prerequisite for all prayer, especially the Jesus Prayer.
...read more about role of humility in practicing the Jesus Prayer
Jesus Prayer Has Two Functions
The Jesus Prayer has two important purposes. The first is worship as with all prayer. The second is a discipline to help our soul gain control our overactive brains and create stillness so the Holy Spirit can work through us and help us live the virtues in union with God.
...read more about the two functions of the Jesus Prayer
Jesus Prayer Has Three Stages in Practice
The Jesus Prayer involves three stages of progress in its practice. You begin praying the Jesus Prayer by repeating the words of the prayer out loud or at least moving the lips. This is called verbal prayer. After some time saying of the Jesus Prayer becomes silent or mental and is repeated only in the mind. This is mental prayer. Finally, the Jesus Prayer becomes a continuous prayer in the heart, the inner core of our being. We begin with vocal prayer and do not force the move to mental prayer. This will happen naturally when you are ready.
... read more about the three stages of the Jesus Prayer
Jesus Prayer in Practice
In praying the Jesus Prayer, our holy Fathers tell us, we say it over and over hundreds of times as part of our daily prayer rule. It is best to add the Jesus Prayer to your morning prayers as this is when the mind is the quietest. Begin by saying the Jesus Prayer verbally focusing on each word. Repeat the Jesus Prayer continually for 15 minutes at first and then expand to 30 minutes. You will experience the challenge of dealing with your thoughts, the tendency for you mind to wander. Attention when praying the Jesus Prayer is important. Be sincere in your prayer and repeat it with contrition. Praying the Jesus Prayer is that simple!
... read more about how to practice the Jesus Prayer
Jesus Prayer is A Long and Difficult Path
Do not be fooled by its simplicity. The Jesus Prayer practice is a difficult task and like all ascetic practices it requires commitment of time, patience and perseverance. Remember Jesus Prayer's aim is not to obtain a calmness or any kind of spiritual experience, but to become in communion with God and participate in His grace.
... read more on difficult path in practicing the Jesus Prayer
Jesus Prayer's Possible Problems Encountered and Cautions
...read more Problems in Using the Jesus Prayer
Jesus Prayer - When To Pray
The Jesus Prayer will eventually be prayed throughout the day and when this happens, you will find that your life changes.
...read more about when to pray using the Jesus Prayer
Jesus Prayer is Not a Form of Eastern Meditation
The praying of the Jesus Prayer should not be confused with methods used in Eastern Yoga or meditation. In praying the Jesus Prayer as in all Orthodox Prayer we are seeking a relationship with a personal God based on faith and love.
...read more about how the Jesus Prayer differs from the eastern meditation.
Jesus Prayer - History
"Prayer without Ceasing" is necessary for all Christians
By St Gregory Palamas
"bear in mind the method of prayer – how it is possible to pray without ceasing, namely by praying in the mind. And this we can always do if we so wish...."
On Practicing the Jesus Prayer
by St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)
"The correct practice of the Jesus Prayer proceeds naturally from correct notions
about God, about the most holy name of the Lord Jesus, and about man's relationship
to God. ..."
The Jesus Prayer
by Saint Theophan the Recluse
"Only with the help of this prayer can the necessary order of the soul be firmly maintained; only through this prayer can we preserve our inner order undisturbed even when distracted by household cares."
Guidance about the Jesus Prayer
By Father Paisios the Athonite:
"only certainty is repentance and let every spiritual edifice be built upon it and let us continually seek repentance from God and nothing else..."

On Prayer
Purification of the Heart
The Jesus Prayer: Method
by Archimandrite Sophrony
"Through prayer in the Name of Jesus in its ultimate realization unites man with Christ fully..."
Jesus Prayer of the heart for the faithful living in the world.
By Elder Josheph
In the beginning it is necessary to say the prayer in a whisper, or even louder when confronted by duress and inner resistance. When this good habit is achieved to the point that the prayer may be sustained and said with ease, then we can turn inwardly with complete outer silence."
Omnipotent Prayer
Elder Joseph, the quieter and Spilaiotou
Always try to make sure that the prayer of Jesus Christ is included in your daily cycle, your work, your every breath and your every sense.
Saint John Chrysostom
Thoughts on the Jesus Prayer
Interview with Metropolitan Jonah on the Jesus Prayer - Audio
Introduction to the Jesus Prayer - by Mother Alexandra
formerly Her Royal Highness, lleana Princess of Romania and Archduchess of Austria
Jesus Prayer - by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom
"The use of the prayer is dual, it is an act of worship as is every prayer, and on the ascetical level, it is a focus that allows us to keep our attention still in the presence of God."
On the Jesus Prayer - by Tito Colliander
"Prayer will call forth in inner calm, a peaceful relaxation in grief, love, gratitude, humility."
The Jesus Prayer - by Fr. Steven Peter Tsichlis
"To enter more deeply into the life of prayer and to come to grips with St. Paul's challenge to pray unceasingly, the Orthodox Tradition offers the Jesus Prayer, which is sometimes called the prayer of the heart. The Jesus Prayer is offered as a means of concentration, as a focal point for our inner life."
Jesus Prayer by Deacon Charles Joiner
"The Jesus prayer is recognized in the Church as a very important form of prayer to help us progress in our spiritual maturity by coming closer to a unity with God. Some say it is the only prayer we need to learn. The prayer is very simple."
Praying the Jesus Prayer
by Dr. Albert Rossi, of St. Vladimir's

"The Jesus Prayer provides one good way to pray constantly. In fact, the Jesus Prayer is the most widespread and most specifically Orthodox spiritual prayer..."
Prayer of Jesus or Prayer of the Heart
by Archimandrite Fr. Jonah Mourtos
The Power of the Name
by Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia
An Orthodox Christian Study on Unceasing Prayer Part 1, part 2, part 3
by John K. Kotsonis, Ph.D.
Becoming the Jesus Prayer
by Fr. Michael Plekon
The Jesus Prayer
by Ken E. Norian, TSSF
Hieromonk Ilie Cleopa preaching on the levels of the Prayer of the Heart (video)
The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart (online book) by Fr. Theophanes (Constantine)
Notes on the Jesus Prayer
by Fr. Artemy Vladimirov
The Jesus Prayer - Series of poisting on Blog Scholé by Fr. James Coles
Difference Between The Jesus Prayer and a Hindu Mantra
by Dionysios Farasiotis
"What constitutes the infinite distance separating the Christian Jesus Prayer from the Hindu mantra, however, is that which lurks behind the name of the god being invoked in a mantra and invited into the soul."

Theophan Saint Theophan The Recluse -
Be sure to read this Page!
St. Theophan the Recluse, also known as "Theophan Zatvornik" (Russian: Феофан Затворник), (1815–1894) is a well-known saint in the Russian Orthodox Church.
 Enter here to read his classic four homilies on prayer. Written for lay people in clear language, but with the highest aim in prayer. This is undoubtedly one of the best treatise on prayer. In four short sermons he takes you from the very beginning showing you the path to the highest form of prayer...read more

From the Desert Fathers
   153 Texts on Prayer - St. Nilus of Sinai
   Abba Evagrius on Prayer - Abba Evagrius the Monk
   How Do We Pray? - anonymous fathers of the desert
   On Prayer - St. Gregory of Sinai
   Prayer and Meditation - anonymous father of the Egyptian desert
   Teachings on Prayer - anonymous fathers of the desert
   Why God answers Some Prayers and Not Others - Abba Ammonas

Marcarius the GreatSt. Macarius the Great (AD 300-390)
   Homily 19 - St. Macarios the Great- All Homilies online
Homily 33
   Unceasing Prayer
It is necessary at first for one coming to the Lord force himself thus to do good and, even if he should not in his heart be so inclined, he must constantly await his mercy with unshakened faith and push himself to love, even if he does not have love. He ought to push himself to meekness, even if he has none, to mercy and to have a merciful heart... Let him push himself to prayer even when he does not possess the prayer of the Spirit. And so. God, seeing him striving so and pushing himself by determination, even if the heart is unwilling... fills him with the fruits of the Spirit.

St. Gregory Palamas
 Pray Unceasingly -
Saint Gregory Palamas (Γρηγόριος Παλαμάς) (1296 - 1359) was a monk of Mount Athos in Greece and later the Archbishop of Thessalonica known as a preeminent theologian of Hesychasm.
"Let no one think, my brother-Christians, that it is the duty only of priests and monks to pray without ceasing, and not of laymen. No, no; it is the duty of all of us Christians to remain always in prayer...."

IgnatiusSt. Ignaty (Brianchaninov)
 Selections from the Arena on Prayer
 On Preparation For Prayer
 On Attention at Prayer
 Practicing the Jesus Prayer
Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867) is a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church. ArenaAt the age of 26 was appointed superior of the St. Sergius monastery in St. Petersburg. In 1857, he was consecrated Bishop of the Caucasus and the Black Sea, but he retired only four years later to devote himself to spiritual writing.
He wrote a large amount of material, mostly about the spiritual life and prayer. Only a small portion of his writing has been translated into English.
"It is impossible for a person to turn with all his thought, with all his strength and with all his being towards God, except by the action of prayer..."

SophronyArchimandrite Sophrony
 On Prayer - Dangers

 Prayer of the Spirit
 The Struggle in Prayer
 Jesus Prayer: The Method

 Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov) (23 September 1896 – 12 July 1993), also Elder Sophrony, was best known as the disciple and biographer of St Silouan the Athonite and compiler of St Silouan's works, and as the founder of the Patriarchal Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Tolleshunt Knights, Maldon, Essex, England.
"Misfortune in the shape of reduced circumstances, illness or the death of a loved one often drives people to prayer. But if the situation alters for the better, not only does their impulse to pray abate- prayer itself may seem
pointless. But there is a different kind of prayer, prayer of the spirit, fastened on eternity, and here no external well-being can heal the sufferings of the soul who sees herself falling short of the sought-for eternal. ...

HilarionBishop Hilarion (Alfeyev)
Prayer and Silence
Hilarion (Alfeyev), Bishop of Vienna and Austria, is a hierarch of the Moscow Patriarchate, theologian, church historian, composer.
"To achieve silence: this is of all things the hardest and the most decisive in the art of prayer. Silence is not merely negative - a pause between words, a temporary cessation of speech - but, properly understood, it is highly positive: and attitude of attentive alertness, of vigilance, and above all of listening....

EphremSaint Ephrem the Syrian
On Prayer
"Whether you are in church, or in your house, or in the country; whether you are guarding sheep, or constructing buildings, or present at drinking parties, do not stop praying....

Monk MosesMonk Moses
Prayer as an Important Aspect of our Spiritual Life
Monk Moses was born in Athens, Greece and has been living the monastic life on Mount Athos since 1975. He is the Elder of the Kalyvi of St. John Chrysostom at the Skete of St. Panteleimon of the Koutloumoussiou Monastery. He has already published 15 books and over 300 articles in newspapers and journals in Greece and abroad.
"The life of prayer, which we shall discuss, is one part of a much broader topic spiritual life in general the life in Christ, spiritual ascension, the way to sanctification and deification. Combined with personal inner purification and a regular sacramental life, a life of prayer will help significantly in the regeneration of the faithful during this difficult period in which we live...."

On Prayer - Excerpts from the writings of Saint Basil the Great
We must strive after a quiet mind.  As well might the eye ascertain an object put before it while it is wandering restless up and down and sideways, without fixing a steady gaze upon it, as a mind, distracted by a thousand worldly cares, be able clearly to apprehend the truth....

TertullianTertullian (ca.160 – ca.220 AD)- On Prayer
Includes commentary on Lord's Prayer as well as many practical instructions about how to pray.

OrigenOrigen - On Prayer
The Person who is about to come to prayer should withdraw for a little and prepare himself, and so become more attentive and active for the whole of his prayer. He should cast away all temptation and troubling thoughts and remind himself so far as he is able of the Majesty whom he approaches, and that it is impious to approach Him carelessly, sluggishly, and disdainfully; and he should put away all extraneous things.

Gregory of NyssaSaint Gregory of Nyssa
The Lord's Prayer - Five Homilies
Trans. by Theodore G. Stylianopoulos, 2003
Gregory of Nyssa (c 335 – after 394) was a Christian bishop and saint. He was a younger brother of Basil the Great and a good friend of Gregory Nazianzus. His significance has long been recognized in the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Roman Catholic branches of Christianity. Gregory along with his brother Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus are known as the Cappadocian Fathers.
   Life of Saint Gregory
   Introduction by T. G. Stylianopoulos
   Homily 1 - Why we pray
"The present gathering needs to learn not only how to pray but that we must, by all means, pray. Perhaps, this has not yet been understood by many. For many in daily life have neglected and passed over this sacred and divine work of prayer. ..."
   Homily 2 - Our Father Who Are In Heaven
"Do you see how much preparation we need? What quality of life? How much and what kind of diligence in order that our conscience rise to that level of confidence to dare address God as "Father?..."
   Homily 3 - Hallowed Be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come
"Therefore, when I pray saving "Hallowed be Thy Name," the meaning of these words apply to me actualizing God's blessings. Lord, through the cooperation of Your help, may I become blameless, just and pious...."
   Homily 4 Thy Will Be Done... Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
When therefore we stand to say to God "Thy Will be done also in me," it is entirely necessary first to condemn that manner of conduct which is lived outside the divine will and to fully own up to it in confession....
   Homily 5 Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors...
"Do you see to what greatness the Lord exalts those who hear Him through the words of the prayer? He transforms human nature in some way to be closer to the divine..."

ChrysostomSaint John Chrysostom
on the Lord's Prayer

 Homily 19 on St. Matthew- Chapter 6.
Trans. by Rev. Sir George Prevost, Bt., 1851
Rev. Am. ed. by Rev. Matthew B. Riddle, 1888
Saint John Chrysostom (c. 347–407, Greek: Ιωάννης ο Χρυσόστομος), archbishop of Constantinople, was an important Early Church Father. He is known for his eloquence in preaching and public speaking, his denunciation of abuse of authority by both ecclesiastical and political leaders, the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and his ascetic sensibilities.
"...neither should we make our prayers long; long, I mean, not in time, but in the number and length of the things mentioned. For perseverance indeed in the same requests is our duty...

John Climacus
On Prayer - Step 28

Make the effort to raise up, or rather, to enclose your mind within the words of your prayer; and if, like a child, it gets tired and falters, raise it up again. The mind, after all, is naturally unstable, but the God Who can do everything can also give it firm endurance. Persevere in this, therefore, and do not grow weary; and He Who sets a boundary to the sea of the mind will come to you too during your prayer and will say, Thus far you shall come, and no farther" (Job 38:11). Spirit cannot be bound, but where He is found everything yields to the Creator of spirit.

John CassianSt John Cassian (ca. 360 – 435)
   Four Kinds of Prayer - St. John Cassian
   The Lord's Prayer - St. John Cassian
"Yet, as we advance in life and grow perfect in virtue, we should by preference pursue the kinds of prayer that are poured out as a result of contemplating future goods or from an ardent charity, or at least -- to speak in lowly fashion and in conformity with a beginner's standard -- that are produced for the sake of acquiring some virtue or destroying some vice. For we shall be utterly unable to attain to the more sublime types of prayer about which we have spoken if our mind has not been slowly and gradually brought forward through the series of those intercessions."

Nilus Saint Nilus the ascetic -
A Word on Prayer
The entire work consists of 153 small but comprehensive "chapters" that securely guide along the road to spiritual prayer whoever desires to read them, not hastily, but to study them carefully and assimilate them.
" Prayer is the ascent of the mind towards God. It is a spiritual labour that befits the human mind more than any other preoccupation."

Symeon New TheologianSt. Symeon the New Theologian
 On Prayer and Attention -
Symeon the New Theologian (949–1022) is the latest of three saints of the Eastern Orthodox church to have been given the title of Theologian. St. Symeon was a poet who embodied the mystical hesychastic tradition. He wrote that humans could and should experience God directly.
"There are three methods of prayer and attentiveness, by means of which the soul is either uplifted or cast down. Whoever employs these methods at the right time is uplifted, but whoever employs them foolishly and at the wrong time is cast down...."

NicodemasSt. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain
 Gaining the Habit of Prayer
Nicodemus the Hagiorite or Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain , Athos (1749 - July 14, 1809) is a saint of the Greek Orthodox Church. He was an ascetic monk, mystic, theologian, and philosopher. His life's work was a revival of traditional Christian practices and patristic literature. He wrote ascetic prayer literature and influenced the rediscovery of Hesychasm
"If you desire to seek success in the work of prayer, adapt all else to this, lest you destroy with one hand what the other builds...."

JosephElder Joseph of Vatopidi
 Prayer of the Heart for the Faithful Living in the World
 Spiritual Child of Elder Joseph the Hesychast
"Generally speaking, prayer is the sole obligatory and indispensable occupation and virtue for all rational beings, both sentient and thinking, human and angelic. For this reason we are enjoined to the unceasing practice of the prayer...."

BartlolomewEcumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Way of Prayer -
 Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is the symbol of unity for the self-governing national and ethnic Orthodox Churches throughout the world. This article is an excerpt from his book, Encountering the Mystery.

PaisiosElder Paisios
 On Prayer
 Guidance on the Jesus Prayer
Paisios (Eznepidis), the Elder Paisios of Mount Athos, (Greek: Γέροντος Παϊσίου του Αγιορείτου) is a much revered monastic of Mount Athos. A devout ascetic, his gentle manner and acceptance of those who came to receive his advice, counsel, and blessing endeared him to his visitors. His popular words of counsel continue to be published.
“We should constantly and unceasingly repeat the Jesus prayer. Only the name of Christ must remain inside our heart and mind; when we neglect our prayer, that is our communication with God, the devil finds the chance to confuse us with negative thoughts. Thus, we end up not knowing what we want, do, or say....”

Archbishop SylianosArchbishop Stylianos of Australia
On Prayer

His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos (Harkianakis) of Australia is the current archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.
"It has been correctly said that the greatest privilege, but also the greatest problem for the faithful, is prayer...
It appears that the more the person of God struggles to pray correctly and in a way that is pleasing to God, the more fully and deeply he or she comes to know the difficulties involved in such a feat.... The question arises: What is it that we are entitled to ask for in prayer? The Fathers who have dealt with this question agree that there is only one request of the faithful person in prayer: "the pardon of sins"....
While common worship in Church -in the context of which the Sacraments of the Church are always celebrated- ensures the sanctifying and salvific grace of the "communion of the Holy Spirit", private prayer cannot yield such transcendent results. This may secure inner stillness and greater compunction, including many other spiritual gifts, but it cannot replace in the least the grace of the Sacraments which presuppose a special celebrant with "apostolic succession" and "canonical priesthood".... "

A Monk at Saint Tikhon Monastery
Communing with God in Prayer
This is an introductory article on Prayer we clear guidelines.
"The goal of the Christian's life on earth is salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ and, at the same time, communion with God. The means for this communion is prayer, and through his prayer the Christian is joined in one spirit with the Lord (I Cory. 6:17). Prayer is the focal point and foundation of spiritual life and the source of salvation. Without prayer, as St. John Chrysostom says, there is no life in the spirit...."

Isaac of SyriaIsaac The Syrian
On Prayer
Every good care of the intellect directed toward God and every meditation upon spiritual things is delimited by prayer, is called by the name of prayer and under its name is comprehended; whether you speak of various readings, or the cries of a mouth glorifying God, or sorrowing reflection on the Lord, or making bows with the body, or the alleluias of psalmody, or all the other things from which the teaching of genuine prayer ensues.

EvagriusEvagrius Ponticus (345- 399 A.D.) - Chapters on Prayer
Prayer is a continual intercourse of the spirit with God. What state of soul then is required that the spirit might thus strain after its Master without wavering, living constantly with him without intermediary?

Bloom By Metropolitan Anthony Bloom
"Prayer is the search for God, encounter with God, and going beyond this  encounter in communion. ...our first steps in prayer take the form of  astonishing reverent fear and a sense of sadness...."
 Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh (19 June 1914 - 4 August  2003)
