Elder Porphyrios' own accounts
Saint Elder Porphyrios : The second big saint of our times
Elder Porphyrios On Problematic Spiritual
We should look upon all the faithful as one person and consider that Christ is in each one of them
By St Symeon the New Theologion
A text that Elder Porphyrios loved.

Elder Porphyrios persistently taught that our love for our fellow man should be such that we look upon them as we look upon ourselves. At one time he had asked one of his spiritual children to photocopy the following article of St. Symeon, the New Theologian, which was handed out to his visitors.

We should look upon all the faithful as one person and consider that Christ is in each one of them.
We should have such love for them that we are ready to sacrifice our very lives for them.
For it is incumbent upon us neither to say, nor think of any person as evil, but we must look upon everyone as good.
If you see a brother afflicted with a passion, do not hate him. Hate the passion that makes war upon him.
And if you see him being terrorized by the habits and desires of previous sins, have compassion on him. Maybe you too will be afflicted by temptation, since you are also made from matter that easily turns from good to evil.
Love towards your brother prepares you to love God even more.
The secret, therefore, of love towards God is love towards your brother.
For if you don't love your brother whom you can see, how is it possible to love God, Whom you do not see?
"For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God Whom he has not seen" (1 Jn. 4:20)
From the great Elder Porphyrios On Prayer (Wounded by Love: the Life and Wisdom of Elder Porphyrios, p. 126-127): Let us love Christ. Then the name of Christ will burst forth from within us with impellent desire, with fervor, with divine eros. We will shout His name secretly, without speaking words. let us stand before God in adoration, humbly, and in the footsteps of Christ–that Christ may free us from every trace of our fallen nature. Let us ask for tears to be given to us before prayer. but be careful! Do not let your right hand know what the left is doing (Matthew 6:3). Pray with contrition: “Am I worthy for You to give such grace, O Christ?” And then these tears become tears of gratitude. I am deeply moved; I have not done the will of God, but I ask for His mercy.Pray to God with love and yearning, in tranquility, with meekness, gently and without forcing yourself. And when you repeat the prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me,” say it slowly, humbly, gently and with divine love. Pronounce the name of Christ with sweetness. Say the words one at a time: “Lord…Jesus…Christ…have mercy on me”, smoothly, tenderly, affectionately, silently, secretly mystically, but with exaltation, with longing, with passion, without tension, force or unbecoming emphasis, without compulsion and pressure. In the way a mother speaks to the child she loves: “my little boy…my darling girl…my little Johnny…my wee Mary!” With longing. Yes, longing. That’s the whole secret. Here the heart is speaking: “My little child, my joy!” My Lord, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus!” What you have in your heart and in your mind, that is what you express with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind (Luke 10:27).
No need to add anything to this!
Elder Porphyrios once said: One day a hippie visited me. He was dressed in something colorful, strange clothes, and wore an amulet and jewelery, and he asked to see me. The nuns were worried, so they came and asked me ...
An Invitation From The Pope To Elders Paisios and Porphyrios. A female American professor once told an Orthodox clergyman the desire of the Pope to invite Elder Paisios and Elder Porphyrios to the Vatican. The response of ...
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This Divine Liturgy with Elder Porphyrios was recorded on 27 May 1977 at the Holy Church of Saint Nicholas in Kallision. It was recorded by Maria Liva and found among her belongings following her passing. It was given to ...
Friday, June 10, 2011. Video: Recordings of Elder Porphyrios. Γέρων Πορφύριος from enoriaAZ on Vimeo. This 17-minute video depicts places associated with Elder Porphyrios with recordings in his own voice. It is in Greek. ...
Mar 10, 2011
2 minutes ago
Elder Porphyrios In the House of Prostitution. Elder Pophyrios spoke of the following experience: In the old days, during the feast of the Theophany, we used to sanctify homes. One year I also went to sanctify. I would knock on ...
People were upset by this and went by the dozens every day, particularly to Elder Porphyrios near Athens, asking: "What will happen? Will the Antichrist come and stamp us with 666"? The Elder asked me: "Tell me, my child, ...
In an excerpt from a lecture delivered at this link concerning the Blessed Elder Iakovos of Evia, Bishop Neophytos of Morfou speaks of a meeting he had with Elder Porphyrios in Athens before he had met Elder Iakovos in Evia. ...
[Hieromonk Elder Porphyrios, COLLECTED COUNSELS, Published by the Sacred Nunnery Retreat The Transfiguration of the Saviour, 2002, page 337]. 2. Some spiritual fathers commit a crime. Look, my child! Our God, in His ...
[The above announcement was posted at the request of Elder Porphyrios on the outer door of the Convent "The Transfiguration of the Savior" at the beginning of 1990.]
Elder Porphyrios would say: "I do not speak about Christ, unless others want to, unless they ask." The Elder would say this not because of his ego, but because of his respect for the freedom of each individual. He would further ...
Fr.D.G.: Elder Porphyrios was a gift from God towards the Church. He sent us great light within the darkness in which we live, through Elder Porphyrios. We thank the Lord for giving us such a great gift in our times, indeed, ...
While at the Holy Skete of Kavsokalyvia on Mt. Athos, Elder Porphyrios had given orders for his grave to be dug. Through a spiritual child of his, he dictated a farewell letter of advice and forgiveness to all his ...
He went, therefore, to Elder Porphyrios [in Athens], who advised him to go to the Monastery of Dadiou in Fthiotida which was in ruins. In the ruins of the Monastery of Dadiou he found as residents only snakes and wild animals. ...
The Elder was buried at the convent founded by his spiritual father Elder Porphyrios (where he also is buried) in Milesi next to Malakasas. Below are two videos from his funeral on July 12. May his memory be eternal and keep ...
For example, I have read information on a Serbian forum that the elder Porphyrios once rebuked Elder Paisios on the issue of some apocalyptic prophecies which, allegedly, Elder Paisios had spread. This claim has at least ...
This was similar to when Elder Porphyrios visited Elder Sophrony in Essex, England through the grace of Holy Spirit, despite the former still being in Athens. Many suffering souls would come to visit Fr. Zosimas and he would ...
Video: "Porphyrios, the Saint of Omonia". On Holy Thursday the Greek television station Mega had a short feature on Elder Porphyrios titled "Porphyrios, the Saint of Omonia". ...
Fr.D.G.: Elder Porphyrios was a gift from God towards the Church. He sent us great light within the darkness in which we live, through Elder Porphyrios. We thank the Lord for giving us such a great gift in our times, indeed, ...
While at the Holy Skete of Kavsokalyvia on Mt. Athos, Elder Porphyrios had given orders for his grave to be dug. Through a spiritual child of his, he dictated a farewell letter of advice and forgiveness to all his ...
Documentary on the Life of Elder Porphyrios in His Own Words (Video). Posted by J.Sanidopoulos at 3:32 PM · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook. Labels: Modern Saints and
He went, therefore, to Elder Porphyrios [in Athens], who advised him to go to the Monastery of Dadiou in Fthiotida which was in ruins. In the ruins of the Monastery of Dadiou he found as residents only snakes and wild animals. ...
The Elder was buried at the convent founded by his spiritual father Elder Porphyrios (where he also is buried) in Milesi next to Malakasas. Below are two videos from his funeral on July 12. May his memory be eternal and keep ...
For example, I have read information on a Serbian forum that the elder Porphyrios once rebuked Elder Paisios on the issue of some apocalyptic prophecies which, allegedly, Elder Paisios had spread. This claim has at least ...
This was similar to when Elder Porphyrios visited Elder Sophrony in Essex, England through the grace of Holy Spirit, despite the former still being in Athens. Many suffering souls would come to visit Fr. Zosimas and he would ...
Video: "Porphyrios, the Saint of Omonia". On Holy Thursday the Greek television station Mega had a short feature on Elder Porphyrios titled "Porphyrios, the Saint of Omonia". ...
Elder Porphyrios was one of the most important figures of our times: he had the authority of authenticity, he had the experience of the Holy Spirit, he was truly humble, his simplicity was thoroughgoing; in him childlikeness was ...
The same with the blessed Elder Porphyrios, who came from Evia as a youngster to the Skete of Kafsokalivia, from where he received his nickname, and due to the severity of his health he went to Athens, where he lived for ...
How Can One Actuate Children to Love Christ? That can be achieved by condescension, patience and prayer. Elder Porphyrios used to say: “Let us not speak much about God to our children. They can not stand many words. ...
12 Sayings of Elder Porphyrios (pamphlet) The History of Mt. Athos and a Pilgrim's Guide (booklet) The Royal Martyr Sisters Empress Alexandra & Grand Duchess Elizabeth (booklet) The Life & Sayings of Elder Thaddeus of ...
Elder Porphyrios On Speaking To Others About Chris... Saint Mary Magdalene Returns to Zakynthos Island · 17 Miracles of the Virgin-Martyr Markella of Chios... The Life and Martyrdom of Saint Markella of Chios · Elder ...
Fortunately, we knew these really enlightened Elders, Fathers Paisios and Porphyrios and other patristic personalities, who showed us what the Church is and how God shows, through the Church, his friends. Many of us felt ...
Elder Porphyrios In the House of Prostitution A Dramatic Representation of the Anointing of the Lord With Myrrh About the Mystery of Holy Unction (Anointing) Why Do Orthodox Constantly Seek God's Mercy? Holy and Great Thursday ...
Certain pilgrims, such as Elder Iakovos Tsalikes and Metropolitan Antonios of Sisani, would see lights as if from oil lamps where the graves of the martyrs are today. But Elder Porphyrios told the current abbess, also named ...
Elder Porphyrios On Speaking To Others About Chris... Saint Mary Magdalene Returns to Zakynthos Island · 17 Miracles of the Virgin-Martyr Markella of Chios... The Life and Martyrdom of Saint Markella of Chios · Elder ...
We have been blessed many times to kiss the hand of the blessed elders Porphyrios the Kafsokalivitis (+1991), of Paisios the Agioritis (+1994), of some spiritual children of Elder Joseph the Spileotis (+1959) and many others. ...
"Something especially impressive about Elder Porphyrios was that he admired and exploited technological inventions. He was amazed by the fact that God had given Man the ability to make such discoveries, and he advised ...
Do Figures Like Elders Paisios and Porphyrios Exis... The Church of the .... Elder Philotheos Zervakos: Recollections of St. Ni... Cheesefare .... "Wounded by Love," The Life and The Wisdom of Elder Porphyrios. Posted by ...